Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Weight Loss Wednesday

 My daughter has pointed out to me that years ago I had a blog post thread called Weight Loss Wednesday. She read me some of the posts. Hehe. Could hardly remember writing those.

Anyway, I've decided to start it again. I will not tell you my weight. But I weighed myself today and next week on Wednesday I will confess to either a loss or gain or no change.

Feel free to join in in the comments. I think even this little bit of accountability (having to put it in writing) will help me stick to my goals.

I don't have as much to lose as last time but good health is important, especially as I get older. Well, everyone is getting older. Let's face it.

I told my daughter how old I would be on my next birthday. Her response. Haven't you been that old for the last 5 or 6 years? I am not lying about my age! She is revealing her perception of me as, well, pretty old. I am, after all, more than 40 years older than she. Yeah. Bonus baby. And a lovely one at that! I have two bonus babies actually. Unusually special gifts from God. Unusually special because they are rather rare. I am blessed with three daughters, but two after my fortieth birthday.

God is so good!

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