Thursday, June 13, 2019

Saint Anthony of Padua, I owe you so much...

Saint Anthony, St. Anthony...who does not have a Saint Anthony story. Those who ask for his help in finding things agree that he moves things, that he finds things in ways that truly appear to be miraculous.

Once when I had two toddlers I was desperately looking for a sock that one child had pulled off shortly before we were to leave. I prayed to St. Anthony. Then I bent down to pick up a toy or something on the floor thinking it might be under it. When I stood up it was not the toy in my hand. It was the sock.

Another time when my family was up north at a rented cabin we could not find the keys that we needed to return as we left. We had looked everywhere for some time. I prayed out loud to Saint Anthony. Before the prayer was finished I saw the keys under a chair.

These are just a couple examples in my life. There are many more.

In today's Magnificat we are told that, "Although primarily associated in devotional prayer with the finding of lost objects, Saint Anthony was also an extremely gifted preacher and teacher of God's Word. He sought out those lost in unbelief and denial and brought them back to the fold of faith by the power of the word he preached."

Also in Magnificat, Saint Anthony's writing is quoted: "Christ who is your life is hanging before you, so that you may look at the cross as in a mirror. There you will be able to know how mortal were your wounds, that no medicine other than the Blood of the Son of God could heal...Nowhere other than looking at himself in the mirror of the cross can man better understand how much he is worth."

Good Saint Anthony, pray for us!!

Read more of the life of Saint Anthony of Padua HERE.