Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Weight Loss Wednesday

 Good News: I'm down 1.1 pound since last week. Very happy about this. I am trying to eat more mindfully, paying attention to whether or not I am actually hungry, and only eating when I genuinely am. (and only eating what is necessary, not as much I as I want!!)

Overall Loss: Down 4.1 pounds. That's cool.

All kinds of reasons to lose weight: I want to stay healthy. I want to keep up with my grandchildren. I want to go easy on the aging joints. And I want to be good to the body God has given me. I want to honor His gift by taking good care of it.

God is good. All the time.

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Weight Loss Wednesday

 Good news! I'm down 3.4 pounds! That's over two weeks since I didn't post last week.

Why didn't I post last week? Because I was very sick with a gastrointestinal bug. Yeah, very sick. Yes, yes, that does account for some of the loss. But a loss is a loss, right? I didn't gain it back after my recovery.

Note to self: Keep eating mindfully. Do NOT eat when you are not hungry and DO stop when you are full!

 Am I serious about want to lose weight or not. Being serious means not trying to eat as much as I can get away with. It means eating as little as I need. :-)

Here's moving forward!