Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
OK. So I'm a day late. But yesterday was WAY too busy to get a post written. And any day is appropriate for giving thanks, right?
This what our table looked like before it was buried in food. :-) I used my mother's china, which I love. And a combination of my mother's and grandmother's crystal. We had water glasses and wine glasses with sparkling fruit juices, which my kids love. No alcohol. I was so pleased that Mary (13 yo) wanted to use the crystal. I thought the fact that it has to be hand washed would be a disincentive, but she likes nice things and appreciates family history, as do I.
The table is too long for a table cloth, although I should make one sometime. I know it would be easy. But the length keeps changing depending on the number of guests. It's an
Amish table. It has 11 leaves, each about a foot in length. We don't have room to extend it all the way, but we have had about 18 people at it at one time. Love this table. They're available at
amishtables.com, a business owned by a good Catholic family who are friends of ours.
So.... Here are some of the things I am thankful for:
The Eucharist! And all the graces and blessings I have received from my faith!
My family, my husband and every one of my six children!
My friends, both in the flesh and my e-friends!
My country and all the blessings of being an American-- freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and all the countless ways the Lord has blessed this land.
The rosary and all the ways my family has been blessed through saying it together.
Blogging! And all the ways my life has been enriched through it.
That my family has never been without food, shelter, and all of our basic needs.
For Catholic education and the fact that my children have been able to attend Catholic schools.
For this laptop I'm typing on and all the fun I have had with it.
For the good health of my family.
That my adult children are all still living their faith!
For my pastor Father Ed Fride and all the ways our family has been blessed by his shepherding!
For the incredible beauty of creation which is mine to enjoy every day!
For my life!!! That the Lord created me and all those I love and that right now I have another day to live as His servant.