We are expected to get three inches of snow this weekend. Right now it's just a grey, chilly rain.
We've already had a few frosts.
And look what's still blooming in my garden!!!!! These flowers all reseeded themselves from last year so I guess they've already demonstrated their hardiness. Still, I'm impressed. They're blooming, for heaven's sakes! And it's mid November in Michigan!!
This flower I posted about once before because, incredibly, it sprouted from between a rock and the foundation of our porch. And now, in this cold weather, it's STILL blooming and even has a number of buds. This is my super-flower.
It is literally between concrete and a rock. There can't be more than a half inch or so of soil in there. Still, it blooms.
Perhaps the life lesson is: Those determined to survive, will.
Blessed be God!!
My lavendar is blooming still, too. It's a wee warmer in MD, but cold enough stuff should be dying now. It kind of cheers me to see a few blossoms on top this grayish bush when I pull up into my driveway. I'll be cutting them back soon . . . and drying them. Lovely.
You must really have a green thumb -- you seem to have plants blooming year round and in the strangest places! What's your secret?
BTW, I have something for you at my blog.
God bless you!
Is that snapdragon, growing from nothing?
Over a decade ago, we had a yellow snapdragon grow from out of a crack in our front steps. It was like a marvelous testament to the tenacity of nature. It was there many weeks of the summer. I don't know how it got there and it never returned, as long as we lived in the house.
Near the end of that summer, we suffered the loss of a baby in the form of an early miscarriage. We returned home from the sad appointment at the doctor's office, where the miscarriage was confirmed, only to find that someone had ripped out the snapdragon and left it in pieces on the steps. Already emotionally fragile, I felt violated by that act. [I know, it's overreacting to think that the careless action by a child in the neighborhood is a violation, but I *was* overly emotional!]
Your blog entry was so hopeful and I'm setting a slightly depressing tone. Sorry! I will say that, despite its untimely end, I've admired the snapdragon since that summer. One of my little ones loves that flower and wanted it in the garden this past year. I didn't get to it last growing season, but I'll surely do it next year.
"Those determined to survive, will." Thanks for that reminder! :-)
Catholic Wife, what a sad story. The snapdragon is growing BETWEEN a rock and the foundation of our porch--practically from nothing.
Sarah, lavender...cool.
Jean, no secret of mine. These babies are growing on their own.
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