Tuesday, November 04, 2008





This is the only poll that counts!!!!!


Mimi said...

Absolutely agree (even though I suspect we are cancelling each other out :) ) Vote, vote, vote.

Lyndsie Miles said...

Done and happy to do it! Now... it's time to wait. I hate the waiting part. We'll see tonight!

Rosemary said...

Mimi, hah! We have five McCain votes coming from this house. (3 adult children voting) (smile)
I voted this morning, Took about 45 minutes, not bad. Lyndsie, I know. I'm all jittery.

Mimi said...

My oldest is just six months shy of this being his first presidential election, isn't that sad to be *so* close? His first will be 2012 (but hopefully, he'll be a regular voter in local and state elections prior to that)

We are all vote by mail here, I miss not being able to go and physically vote.

Valerie said...

Yup, I did my civic duty! :-)

Please keep my daughter in your prayers, Rosemary. She has fallen so far, and I miss her so much. Thank you.