Saturday, August 05, 2006

Graphic abortion images

Yesterday there was an abortion protest in Ypsilanti in which a number of photographs of aborted babies was displayed. It was described as an "American Atrocities" Tour. The protestors lined the sidewalks of more than three blocks along Michigan Avenue. Two of the group's members were attacked and two arrests were made.

I am very sympathetic to the cause of these protestors. In fact, I have participated in a number of pro-life demonstrations and prayer vigils. And I want very much for the new abortion clinic in Ypsilanti to be shut down for good. (For those of you who live in this area this is the same guy who used to have the clinic on Packard in Ann Arbor)

It it my prayer that these images will save lives, change people's hearts, and open people's minds to the reality of what an abortion is. That being said.... I'm uncomfortable with the use of graphic images of the innocent victims of our culture of death. It's not the blood or the shock value that bothers me. It is the dignity of the babies who have died that concerns me. I mean the babies whose actual brutalized corpses are on display. I don't think these photos should be used out of respect for these dead. The beautiful photos of living unborn babies might be just as effective in opening people's eyes to the reality of when human life begins.


Unknown said...

I have been uncomfortable with the graphic bloody images also, but I hadn't exactly identified that reason. I think that my discomfort is that I know that there are many women out there who have had abortions, and have been wounded by them, and that these images wound them even deeper, and put them on the defense, which makes their hearts harder to reach. I believe that sometimes a picture is "worth a thousand words", but I wonder if the image of a beautiful, preborn baby might melt hearts without further damage and further hardening.

Rosemary said...

That is a good point, Patti. It is harder to reach people when they're angry and defensive. It might, however, plant seeds that could later bear fruit.

Mimi said...

Both your original point, Rosemary, and Patti's point are well stated and well thought out. I think that much more harm is done to the Pro-Life cause than good through those pictures.

Anonymous said...

I had an abortion and what Patti brought up is absolutely true, at least for me and I would imagine for most other women as well. There definitely is and must be a place for the protests and educating people about what abortion REALLY is. However, often in those efforts mercy and compassion get lost.
Yes, we must face the truth of what we've done when we've chosen an abortion but those pictures and the unmerciful, condeming words spoken and printed on signs do not help a post abortive woman to face the truth. It only adds more brick to the walls she has built around herself and fuels the self hatred and the belief that she is beyond forgiveness and beyond any hope.
It is the mercy and the compassion and the love that draws that woman out to find hope, forgiveness and freedom - in Jesus.
I'm sorry to be so long but it's not every day that I read something like this that expresses compassion and mercy as ya'll have, for women who have had an abortion.