Friday, August 25, 2006

Advice to Myself

Stop taking yourself so seriously. The world does not need you to keep spinning.

Cheerfulness is a choice. It can exist along with sadness and irritability (although the irritability can fight real hard to be dominant.).

Computers are stupid. To expect them to be otherwise is to invite disappointment.

Children are still in formation. They cannot have everything you might expect in a civilized adult.

You will not raise any perfect children.

If you want to lose weight you must desire to do so more than you desire to eat whenever you feel like it.

You are not responsible for anyone else's happiness. Stop trying to assume such responsibility.
It is an exercise in futility.

Stop putting off things you do not want to do. They are an energy drain.

Guard against obsession with blogging. Limit the time. When interrupted, give all your attention to the interrupter, particularly if it is a child. It's good discipline and also just the right way to treat a child.

Do not expect more from yourself than you would expect from any other capable person. You are not superwoman.

Pray, pray, pray. Take the time to be still.

I feel a little better already. :)


Kate said...

Good advice. Esp. the bit about responding to interruptions. I lapse constantly, but it is one of my goals to always make people a priority over things - computer, books, or whatever - especially my son. How can I expect him to ask nicely for my attention instead of crying, whining, or acting out, unless I respond the first time when he asks nicely?

Great post. Always good to learn from experience. (and it is somewhat reassuring to know that even experienced mothers need reminders).

Unknown said...

Computers are stupid.

That's the first thing they teach you when you are learning to program. :)

Excellent advice. I especially like "Do not expect more from yourself than you would expect from any other capable person. You are not superwoman."

Renee said...

This is so true, and I think, universal to mothers. I find myself often expecting more from my kids than from myself. Nothing points out my weakness more than mothering, that's for sure!

Salome Ellen said...

Thank you! Just what I needed to "hear" today.

Rosemary said...

Thanks for your comments. Yes, experience mothers do indeed need reminders. And I like the reminder about priorities, Kate.
Jodi, yes, that's good to know. I must, in some ways, expect less of them... like mot expecting them to read my mind:)
MPN, mothering is good for the developement of humility. That's for sure.