Monday, January 14, 2008

Michigan's primary is tomorrow!

The Michigan republican primary is tomorrow and I have not yet decided who to vote for. I'm open to advice....


Mimi said...

I know how you feel, last election cycle, I didn't make my decision until the morning of the caucus, and I wasn't that excited about the candidate.


Jean Heimann said...

I can make suggestions on who not to vote for at this point in time. The following are NOT pro-life candidates (though some pretend to be):
Rudy Giuliani
Romney (flip-flops)

So that leaves:
Duncan Hunter
Mike Huckabee
Alan Keyes

I hear Ron Paul is also pro-life, but haven't checked him out. I clash with him other issues.

I hope this helps. I will pray for discernment.

God bless you!

Rosemary said...

Mimi, I know. We have no ideal Republican candidate.
Jean, I didn't decide until I was at the booth. I voted for Huckabee.