A colleague of Saint John Bosco had this to say about him: "His love shone forth from his looks and his words so clearly, and all felt it and could not doubt it... They experienced an immense joy in his presence."
Through the intercession of Saint John Bosco may our love shine forth to others, especially to our families, and may they experience immense joy from our presence. (No matter how far from this ideal we may often be...LOL)
Oh how I wish that I was such a representative of Christ on earth! All that shines forth from me is grumpiness most the time!
I think Don Bosco has affected my son! Today is father was off of work. He and I went down to pray at Planned Parenthood and came home. Shane had done alot of his studies...okay...wow...so anyway, his dad went out to shovel snow around the street as he often does for some needy neighbors and Shane asked if he could get dressed up to go out and help his dad! He does not ask this sort of thing..ever! Yes, he likes to build snowmen, have a ball fight, but NOT shovel...not without making him, usually...anyway, he helped two needy women on our street. One doesn't know it yet and her husband is sick...the other, a widow, gave him candy bars! He was thrilled! I am thrilled! Praise God and thank you St. Bosco...I think his life story yesterday really moved Shane...he said he thought he was cool and that he could see he REALLY cared about young people. :) (This all comes from a boy who turns 13 this month.) Suzanne
ukok, grumpiness is not what shows through on your blog. What shows through is a warm, caring, and genuine person whose writing a lot of people like to read. That's why I like to read your blog.
Suzanne, what a wonderful story. You have a great kid looking to the saints as role models. Praise God!
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