I've been tagged.
Catholic Wife and Mother tagged me. . . (I don't really know how to do this.)
1. Favorite devotion or prayer to Jesus. The Mass, of course, and Eucharistic adoration
2. Favorite Marian devotion or prayer. The rosary
3. Do you wear a scapular or medal? yes
4. Do you have holy water in your home? usually
5. Do you "offer up" your sufferings? yes
6.Do you observe first Fridays and first Saturdays. No, But I would like to.
7. Do you go to Eucharistic Adoration? How Frequently? Yes. I have one hour per week scheduled at my parish's perpetual adoration chapel and one hour on Fridays at my children's high school. If I do not have a scheduled hour I don't get around to it. I need them on the calendar.
8. Are you a Saturday evening Mass person or a Sunday morning Mass person? We go on Sundays, the later Mass usually, but occasionally I like to go on Saturday.
9. Do you say prayers at mealtime? Yes.
10. Favorite saints: Saint Therese, Our Lady, Saint Jude, Saint Anthony, Saint Joseph, the patron saints of all my children (who are not already mentioned) Saint Michael, Saint Anne, Saint Rose, Saint Helen, Saint James and Saint John, Saint Peter, Saint Daniel, Saint Paul, Saint Rita of Cascia, Saint John Bosco, Saint Francis of Assissi, Saint Elizabeth, Saint Elizabeth Rose,
11. Can you recite the Apostles' Creed by heart? Yes. ( I think I'm saying it right.)
12. Do you usually say short prayers (aspirations) during the course of the day? Yes, often. Sometimes I say the Fatima prayer. I often say, "Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for me. And
of course "Good Saint Anthony, come around the_____ is lost and can't be found."
13. Bonus Question: When you pass by an automobile accident or other serious mishap, do you say a quick prayer for the folks involved? I usually say a Hail Mary.
Added bonus question: Have you named your Guardian Angel? Yes. I call her Nora. I don't know why. I asked for her name and that's the one that came to mind.
I'll tag
Patti Ann and