Friday, October 20, 2006


I must tell many of you that somehow either I'm not reading Bloglines correctly, or I've accidentally deleted some blogs from my list, or I'm not reading Bloglines correctly... the long and the short of it is I've discovered that many blogs that I want to read regularly have been listed as not having new posts when they actually do! I kept thinking there sure are a lot of people getting too busy to write. Then I went to one directly instead of through Bloglines and realized there were lots of new posts that I hadn't read. If I used to comment on your blog and haven't in a long time that is probably why. I'm so sorry. I seem to have lost a lot of them. I don't know what I did. I'm now trying to resubscribe to ones I think are missing. I don't even know how to get Bloglines to show me a list of my subscriptions. I'm sure it's very simple. (smile) I sure learn this computer stuff slowly Any suggestions? Again, I'm sorry. I feel like I've really missed out.


ukok said...

Rosemary, that's happened to me too sometimes, you might want to reinstall the feed, in other words, delete the subscription and re-subscribe to the blog, it seemed to rectify the problem for me :-)

Anonymous said...

I often go to my favorite blogs and see posts from the previous day. I hit the "refresh" button and then I see all the new posts!

Anonymous said...

Sorry - refresh could also be "reload"

EC Gefroh said...

Bloglines is acting kind of wacky. I have been receiving old posts as new and then there is one blog that is never updated.

Rosemary said...

Well, I guess I'm not alone. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try them.