Monday, February 05, 2007

A Brrrrrrrr Day, not a snow day

Today my children's school was closed because of dangerously low temperatures, not snow!! And guess what? They have already closed for tomorrow too!!!! I love it.

What a gift it was this morning to stay in bed when I was all set to get up and get moving (but not at all having the energy or motivation.)

It is sooooooo cold. I like living in Michigan and I like the change of seasons. And I like the drama of a good blizzard and the awesome beauty of snow drifts and making snowmen, ice skating, etc. But this is TOO cold.

Humans were not made for this kind of frigid temperature. (How's that for an obvious statement. Well, yeah. That's why we have furnaces and down jackets and that's why we have an occasional school closing because of the temperature.)

I hear someone in the post office comment on what a shame it was that the schools were closed. I said I thought it was great. I guess the joy of school closings is something stay-at-home moms can only appreciate

It's like a day off that came out of nowhere. A gift from God just dropped on you at the last minute. I can taste tomorrow's leisurely coffee already. (Perhaps my next post should be on the topic of sloth. LOL)

Stay Warm!!!!


Valerie said...

School was closed here, too, for today and tomorrow. I used to live in Traverse City, where we'd get the lake-effect snow. We don't get much snow here in Ohio (and I miss it!) - but we certainly are in the midst of a cold snap. I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow, too, and perhaps playing Scrabble or Boggle with my youngest. My oldest is a freshman in college, and she thinks it's "not fair" that she still has to go to classes while her sister gets to stay at home!

ukok said...

I really like it when the childrens' school is closed because I don't have to get up and drive them there! This morning it was snowing and the car was thick in ice and snow and I had to go out and chisel it off and then sit in the car to warm it up's so much easier not to have to do this! Alas, off to school we went brrrrrrrrrr!

Anonymous said...

We are all in this together! LOL! Brrrrrrrrrr! Suzanne

Renee said...

When all the neighbor children get days off, my home schooled kiddos feel cheated. But, alas, they get their schoolwork done in double time so they can go play with their friends. Enjoy your break!

Rosemary said...

mkm, hope you had fun..

ukok, my sympathy. That will probably be me tomorrow..

Suzanne, I know. Misery loves company. LOL

mpm, when I homeschooled I couldn't let go of the snow day idea so when the public schools had one, we took the day off too. Fair is fair, I rationalized.

Rosemary said...

mkm, hope you had fun..

ukok, my sympathy. That will probably be me tomorrow..

Suzanne, I know. Misery loves company. LOL

mpm, when I homeschooled I couldn't let go of the snow day idea so when the public schools had one, we took the day off too. Fair is fair, I rationalized.

EC Gefroh said...

My family is praying for all of the folks suffering on the Mainland.

Rosemary said...

Thank you, Esther.