Saturday, May 05, 2007

May Crowning

I have not posted in several days because of preparations for our parish May Crowning.

It was lovely. Nothing quite went as planned and yet it was still lovely. There several hundred people there. Dearest Jeanne brought 12 dozen roses for the procession!!It was just beautiful.

The crown was the loveliest May Crowning crown I have ever seen. It was made from flowers brought back by sweet Mary from Hawaii!!! Just gorgeous.

My son John played the keyboard and our wonderful music minister did a terrific job leading, in spite of some confusion.

We sang Immaculate Mary in procession. We crowned her to the traditional May Crowning hymn, Bring Flowers of the Rarest. And concluded with Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above.

The Mass immediately before the Crowning had a strong Marian focus-- the readings and the homily were all about Mary. Our pastor and two deacons led the crowning. This was the first parish sponsored May Crowning we've ever had. The presence of the clergy and the instruction they gave made it clear that it is their desire to put our parish under Mary's mantle. It was very inspiring, very moving.

I hope to post pictures when I receive some.


Heather said...

It sounds like a wonderful honor to Mary. May Crowning was one of my favorite things about teaching at a Catholic school.

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

Our parish's May Crowning is tomorrow, and I am hoping to attend. I have never been to one before, and apparently it's the first time in a very long time that our parish has done a May Crowning.

Do you think it's okay for me to bring along my camera?

Rosemary said...

Yes, Angie. At our May Crowning lots and lots of people were taking pictures. I hope you enjoy it. I know for a lot of converts the place of Mary can be kind of confusing or at least unfamiliar. Just think of her as the mother of Jesus. You know how men feel about their mothers. I know Jesus is pleased when we honor his mother. And all she wants is for us to come to her son. As she said at Cana, "Do whatever he tells you."

Suzanne said...

I am so very happy that May Crownings for Mary are making a huge comeback.
We should have never slacked off!
Congratulations on something which we know our Mother and her Son are so very proud of! Children and men soften and learn so much more about women and mothers during this time...and of course, about the most wonderful Mother ever ever! :)

Rosemary said...

Heather, yes, I love May Crownings too!
Suzanne, I'm glad too that so many churches are turning back to Our Blessed Mother. She's been waiting...

ukok said...

It was so lovely to read about the May crowning in your parish. Our's was today, but I couldn't get to Mass as the children were both unwell when they awoke :-(

Thank you for letting me share in your experience, even if it was via cyber means :-)

Rosemary said...

Deb, wish we could actually be at one another's churches for these celebrations. Yours is a lovely church, by the way. What a beautiful and interesting photo you have posted.