Monday, June 04, 2018

What a Day at the Beach!

 My son and daughter-in-law who are the only ones in the family to not live in Michigan suggested we have a day-at-the beach for whoever could come, on Lake Michigan.
It sounded like a great idea since we don't get to see them as often as the rest of the family. We thought we'd just see who else might be able to join us. Everyone is always quite busy and we weren't sure if anyone would be able to come.

To our surprise everyone was able to come for at least part of the day-- all 14 of us!

So, naturally, we thought we should check airbnb to see if we could find a place for just Friday night in order to maximize time at the beach on Friday.

Not only did we find a place, it was a place that allowed us extra people! The owners bent over backwards to make us feel welcome even leaving a baby pool filled with water for our little ones as well as bubbles, balls, badminton, bean bag toss, etc. God bless them. They were wonderful!!

We hung out in the backyard, watched a car show parade from the front yard, played games, and just generally enjoyed each other's company with nothing that needed to be done!

And...there was no wifi! Woohoo. No temptation to look at screens instead of family members. (I include myself among those who would be tempted.)

We just talked, played, enjoyed each other's company.

Watching grandbaby boys alone was all the entertainment I needed.

But having all my children, children-in-law, and grandsons all in one place....well, there's nothing like it, as I've written about on this blog before.

Every mother gets it. Just warms the heart like nothing else. But I've learned to enjoy it when it  happens, sometimes on Christmas or Thanksgiving. It's becoming more of a rare occasion. I never expected it to happen with 5 days notice over Memorial Day weekend. It was a gift from God.

And then, the next day on Lake Michigan! We went to Silver Beach in Saint Joseph, Michigan. How can you NOT go to a place named Saint Joseph. Right?

 Time to relax.

 Time to just chat and catch up.

Time to play in the sand.

Everybody enjoyed the splash pad-- all ages....Well, I mostly enjoyed taking pictures. :-)

Every 15 minutes there was a deluge. Such fun.

 Then dinner-- all together. And they actually gave us a table for 14.

Tired babies. Relaxed parents. Happy grandparents.

As for me, I could not stop taking pictures....Lots of them.

 And since, as the main family photographer, I"m rarely in photos, I decided to pass the camera off and get in some!

Everybody. And, yes, this will probably be the Christmas card....

 Despite their exhaustion the babies were amazingly good.

Ice cream always helps. Hehe.


Then a walk on the pier for those who could stay...

Youngest daughter with our youngest grandson, who is her godson...

Yes, the two of us....

I have some of the best in-laws in the world. (One son-in-law and two daughter-in-laws.)

Well, it was one fun day. God is good. All the time!

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