Monday, June 18, 2018

Love Those Very Specific Instructions...

My daughter Mary gave me this beautiful orchid on Mother's Day, May 13, of this year, 2018.

Here it is now. I have not killed it! In fact, it does not look much different than it did when I first received it.

Is that because I have a green thumb? No, because I don't. I think I have it in the right location for sun, so that helps. But I'm convinced that the real reason it still looks good is that the watering instructions are very specific. Not just: Be careful not to overwater. Or: Keep soil moist. I know what those words mean, but the quantities are difficult to determine, right?

Here are the care instructions: Water with three ice cubes once a week. I can do that, right? Three ice cubes. Got it. I water it every Sunday.

There are times that I wish I could discern the Lord's will in such a specific way.

From the reading for 6/15 from the Book of Kings: The Lord was not in the strong wind, not in the earthquake, and not in the fire. The Lord spoke in the "tiny whispering sound." May we all have enough silence in our life to hear the still, small voice. May we hear it and obey, that we might bloom like the orchid.

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