Monday, September 16, 2013

His mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.

I planted a number of morning glories right next to my front porch in the Spring.  The vines took off and climbed up the railing very nicely.  We eagerly awaited their blooming as the vines climbed all the way to the edge of the roof.  And we waited...and waited....and waited.  Finally I concluded that the soil or the weather or something was wrong.   I accepted that they would probably not bloom at all.  The vines still looked pretty.  Then one morning we woke to a couple of these little flowers smiling back at us.  And eventually there were regularly 8 or 9 opening every morning.  Mind you, this is September in Michigan.  It's pretty late.  Still, a treat nonetheless.

As I walked our dog Nala one recent morning I saw one of my neighbors whose morning glories are blooming and climbing all over his white picket fence.  I said, "I'm enjoying your morning glories."  Then I explained how little mine were blooming.  He told me that they take a long time to bloom if the roots are in a shaded location (Mine are.)  He also asked what color they were.  His are purple.  Mine are pink and some blue.

He said the blue ones bloom late.  I guess I'm lucky to have the one beauty pictured above.  He said, "They're prissy."  I laughed.  Prissy flowers are not a good choice for my flower beds where survival of the fittest is the rule of my not-very-green-thumb.  These "prissy" flowers are beautiful though, aren't they?

Whenever I see these lovely vines with just a few reluctant blooms I'm reminded of the Lord's mercies.  New every morning.  Indeed.  Great is His faithfulness.


Mimi said...

I must preface this with the fact that I love morning glories, and I love the color of yours!
However, white ones are a weed here, people complain about them and pull them out :( And the same happens with blackberries.

Rosemary said...

I love them too, Mimi, although I must confess I was pulling out some white ones for a while too until I realized they actually were morning glories! We have some blackberries growing along our fence too! My husband pulled them all out one year and I was upset. But they're growing back! (Nice to hear from you. Hope all iw well.)