For nearly five years Suzanne of Suzanne's Shorelines and I have been reading each other's blogs.
We've come to know quite a bit about each other. We have an awful lot in common. Truly, we are sisters in the Lord.
Today we finally got to meet each other in person. It was so strange, surreal as she put it, to be meeting for the first time someone I already know so well and consider a friend.
Suzanne was coming through Ann Arbor on her way back from a trip to Mackinac Island in Northern Michigan. Her sweet friends, Lynn and Karen, generously agreed to take the time to stop so we could meet and have lunch.
You two look like old friends from childhood. I'm so happy you were finally able to meet. :)
You both look like you had fun together!
Ah ha! YOU'RE a little girl too! I'm such an Amazon woman beside girls like you! LOL!
Great pictures! And I know what you mean about smiling and smiling and smiling - Suzanne's is contagious!
ROFL! I've never thought of myself someone a person could "catch" smiling from, but IF that is the, that makes me uh...SMILE! :):) LOL!
Jean! You were one of the ones I was trying to think of. Rosemary and I were naming names..women's ears were burning...only it was "ugly gossip," it was how much we wanted to me some of our blogging were one on my mind and we were trying to order food, pay for our food, etc. and fumbling out blogger's names! Yep..would be great!
Alexa, you are NOT an amazon are nice an tall and believe me, there are many times I've wanted to have your height..I've a feeling Rosemary has felt the same way...lots of times! ;) Alexa, you are beautiful.
I love you.
Hey wait..this is Rosemary's comment box! HA! There I go again!
Typical budinsky me! Over and out.......
WAS NOT WAS NOT UGLY I need to read before I press the button..sorry, Jean..argh!
NOT ugly gossip. Right. It was quite the opposite, right Suzanne? (I knew right away that word was missing. I am always leaving out words, scrambling letters--like I did on the title to this post until I noticed it.)
No. We were talking about all the other people we wished were there. But we were so giddy it was a little hard to think. LOL
Yes, Jean, you would be one of the invitees if we were somehow to have a gathering for all the efriends to meet each other.
We had nothing but nice things to say about everybody. It was kind of a high cyber-moment. If you know what I mean.
LOL..high cyber moment...good one, Rosemary! I like that one!
A blogger meet up would be so fun. I have heard of people doing it before, and they always rave about it. Maybe someday?
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