Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Way too busy!!!

Holy cow!!  Have I ever been busy.  I bet you all thought the swine flu had hit our family but good.   Nope!  No swine flu.  Just a really full schedule that has allowed me no time to blog--  no reading or writing!!  Saturday was our parish May Crowning (which I will be writing about soon.), then an all day Confirmation retreat, then an anniversary party in Lansing-- and that was just Saturday!   

Sunday brought Mothers Day and I was delighted to be able to celebrate it with ALL of my children-- the brood pictured below.  Very fun!

On Monday I substitute taught a class of fourth graders (one of my favorite classes in the school).  Today I  must have spent several hours in the car-- three round trips to the grade school.  Liz is in the school play this weekend and I am one of the drama moms.  Tonight I made one of Father Fortunato's favorite desserts for his lunch tomorrow.  In the morning I will sub again, this time for the preschool.  Tomorrow drama goes until 8 but the Confirmation kids will leave early, as will I.  Dress rehearsal on Thursday and performances Friday and Saturday.

Yikes, I have to be careful when I get this busy.  I really need to have some relaxation time and blogging does that for me.  Hope to at spend at least a little time on it over the next few days.

Hope you all are well and that you had a wonderful Mothers Day!!


Suzanne said...

Whew-wee! That is alot! :)
Glad to hear your not sick..I didn't think swine flu but about a dabble of a second. I didn't know you were a sub. I thought about doing that for our school..next year I may, esp. if all three of the grandboys get to go there. I will feel more the need to offer my assistance.
Did you tell us what the play was?
Great day for Mom's Day, I see.

Sarah - Kala said...

Great playground picture of the kids! They're lovely! Busy is good. I am going to be so busy next week, it's silly! And, I'll be in a house maybe they'll let me use their PC while they're gone so I can keep up with blogging. It's hard to say, but it's in God's hands. God bless you!!

Mimi said...

Happy Mother's Day! And, great photo.