Monday, May 18, 2009

Notre Dame

I will write more about Notre Dame probably later today.

I went to the Notre Dame Office of News and Information website thinking there might be some coverage about the alternate commencement activities.  I found nothing and so sent them the following email.

Your coverage of this year's commencement is conspicuously lacking any information at all about the alternate graduation activities organized by ND Response.  Why?  If the invitation of President Obama to deliver the Commencement address is to be justified by an appeal to dialogue and and an attempt at mutual understanding I should think you would want to promote such a dialogue by presenting information on ALL of the commencement activities.  Perhaps the whole story is told on a different page.  A search of your site has not produced anything.

You state that both President Obama and Father Jenkins used the controversy surrounding Obama's presence as a "teachable moment."  Really.  Those who opposed the honoring of a man who has utterly defied the principles of justice in regard to the unborn need to be taught?  What a patronizing explanation of what was really happening.

I urge you, in the spirit of true dialogue to report ALL that was happening on commencement day.  To do otherwise is to demonstrate quite the opposite of those arguments used to justify the invitation of President Obama to this year's graduation.

I love the University of Notre Dame and continue to pray for it.

Should you also feel led to hold them accountable, the site is here.

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