Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A birthday party

Today my daughter had seven friends over for a birthday party. Her birthday was actually several weeks ago but we didn't get around to the party until now.

Unlike other parties we've had over the years I did not plan this one in much detail at all. I didn't actually get the cake until this morning. I bought most of what we needed this morning too. Didn't write out the treasure hunt until shortly before the party. Didn't straighten up the house until the last half hour. Forgot to buy the drinks and had to send by son out to get some....

But it was all OK. The girls had fun and for ONCE I just accepted that I had done the best I could, that it would be all right, and that everything doesn't have to go completely smoothly for it to, in fact, go well. It was fine. I think my daughter was happy and her friends had a good time.

It's all about love, isn't it. It's not about the house or the details or the organization. It's about love.


EC Gefroh said...

Your DD looks very happy!

Rosemary said...

She told me today, Esther that she had a lot of fun at her party. So I'm happy too:-)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful young lady your daughter looks! Rosemary, it is about love, it's always the most important thing :-)