Sunday, July 08, 2007

We're back.
We had a nice time in Florida but in July is it ever HOT!! But it was sunny and beautiful and we had a nice time visiting relatives.

Here's a picture from the plane. Don't you just love seeing clouds up close? There's something about seeing the top side of a cloud that just fills me with awe. I guess it's because it's a view of the glory of God's creation that we don't usually see.
I'll post more soon. We got back on Friday. Went out to buy a wedding present, had to get Jim ready for camp by the next morning (laundry, trip to the store to get a new toothbrush since original was left at Grandma's, etc.), swim meet first thing Saturday morning, picked up the dog, ran to the mall and actually found a dress to wear to the wedding, and made it to the wedding on time. It was a lovely wedding which I'll write more about later.
It's nice to be back and catch up with all that's happening with my blogging friends!


Mimi said...

Welcome back! I'm glad you had a good time!

Anonymous said...

Apart from when I was in my Mum's womb, I have not been on an aeroplane and I've never seen clouds up close like this. What an awesome experience it must be. Too bad I'm a flight-phobe!

So glad you're back home safely, I've so missed reading your posts :-)

Stevie Moon said...

I love that picture! Whenever I see fluffy clouds like that I always imagine little cherubs playing in them!

Rosemary said...

Mimi, thank you. It's good to be back.

Deb, I can relate. It makes me a little nervous too, especially at takeoff. I always say an Act of Contrition. :-) It helps that my father was very familiar with flying and was a private pilot himself and my husband has flown a lot. They both always reassure me of the safety of flying.

Since you've never seen clouds from that view, I think I'll post some more...

Stevie, I know. It looks like heaven. I can't look at clouds like that and not smile.

Anonymous said...

Gosh,fancy having a father who could really fly! My Dad was in the navy and saw the world by boat, I don't like that mode of transport much either though ;-)

Looks like I'm set to stay on this little island for the rest of my life LOL!

FloridaWife said...

Oh, you were down here???? YES, it is pretty hot at the moment. Nice cloud pictures.

Rosemary said...

Yes, floridawife. Maybe I was near you??