Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A really stupid thing

Today I did something really stupid. I was trying to unclog a slow drain in the bathroom by pouring boiling water down it. I had already poured two big panfuls and it seemed to be working. I decided to pour down one more. (This was a big pot I use for boiling spaghetti, etc.)

While waiting for it to boil I called my friend Jeanne. As we were talking the water started to boil. So....always the multi-tasker, I put the phone on my shoulder, picked up the pot and headed to the bathroom. The pot was very full. The phone started to slip and I guess I jerked to hold it, thus spilling scalding hot water all over my upper leg. Fortunately, I was able to get a cold washcloth on it quickly. I was so in shock that I lay down and just kept cooling the washcloth and applying it to my leg. I rested like that for about an hour. It was amazing. It went from a huge area of very red, painful skin to just a few small spots. I was really lucky.

Boiling water requires a person's entire attention. I would never have let one of my children hold a phone and also carry boiling water. Live and learn. I definitely learned my lesson.


catholicandgop said...

Glad you're ok.

The other day during the Easter vigil I had the lit candle in my hand and I wasn't paying attention and I almost burned myself.

EC Gefroh said...

Glad both of you are okay. Pretty scary though, huh Rosemary?

Suzanne said...

Glad you're okay. One time ...very pregnant, I went to drain my spaghetti noodles and when I went to pour out the boiling hot water, I rushed a little too much and splash a big amount on my very pregnant belly!
Oh dear, did it hurt! I was so concerned that I had shocked the little one too, but like you, I put cool water on it several times and got one long slight red place only and no scar. YES! Indeed be careful!

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

I will be saying prayers for you!

Denise said...

So glad you are okay. I do know what you mean about always being the multitasker and it has gotten me into trouble a time or two. Sometimes we need to stop being Martha and be more like Mary, concentrating on just one thing.

Renee said...

I nearly chopped off the tip of my thumb by doing too many things at the same time. When handling dangerous items, one's full attention is required. Like you, I learned the hard way. I hope you heal quickly.

Is it blistered? If so, leave it alone, that is sterile and prevents infection. If the blister breaks open, you should clip away the skin flaps that are left, as those are perfect places for bacteria to hide and grow. I used to do burn wound care, and I saw lots of infected, broken blisters. Take care!

Mimi said...

Thanks be to God you are ok. I've done similar things too.

Rosemary said...

Catholic and GOP, glad you're OK too!
Thank you for all these well wishes. I'm, touched.
Suzanne, I know. Burns are so painful.
Denise, you said it. Definitely I need a little more Mary and a little less Martha.
MPN, it's not blistered yet. A larger area is red today than yesterday but the pain is less. Thank you for the advice. I was worried about what to do if it blisters. I think I'm going to live :-)

Ladybug Mommy Maria said...

Oh my!

Glad you're okay!