The Lord provides!!
Thank you, Lord, that through the intercession of Saint Joseph, my husband, in the midst of a depressed Michigan economy together with a limping automotive industry, has actually secured an engineering job with an automotive supplier!! Who would have thought? God is so good. Thank you to all who have prayed that my husband would find a job.
Definitely a reason for praise! Wonderful news.
Rosemary! I didn't know your husband was in need of prayers on this. Did you mention this a long time ago or something? Hmmmm...well, I am sooo happy for you all! Praise God!
Thanks be to God!
Thank you all. Suzanne, I mentioned it briefly when I said he had retired. He took an optional retirement package but still had to find another job to supplement it. And he has! Thanks be to God...
How wonderful!!!
Thank you to St. Joseph for your intercession on Rosemary's family's behalf!
Praise be to God!
Praise be to God!
Praise the Lord, now, St. Joe, could you work on Butch's back so he can get back to work? PLEASE? Not because he's driving me crazy at home or anything, and not because I'll have to get a job to pay the bills...just askin'...(tapping my feet impatiently).
That is amazingly positive news! It made me feel good since we so often pray for that intention here. What a wonderful gift! Amen!
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