On Monday the temperature went up into the low seventies. The kids were all throwing their coats off and running around for joy. On Tuesday it was just a little bit cooler. A sweatshirt was too warm. You can see in some places just the tips of the Spring perennials starting to peak through the wet mud.
Then... things changed. My daughter came downstairs today in shorts and a t-shirt. I said, "Lizzie, it's not really Spring yet. Look out the window." Everything was covered with about an inch of snow. It was actually very pretty, but a little disappointing after the exhilaration of the Spring-like weather. I told her, "Even though it was really warm it's actually still winter here in Michigan."
March will probably be like this all month. April could be too. Warm, cold, very warm, very cold. It's very unpredictable-- like life.
Sounds just like over here in England!
We've got weather forecasts for snow on Sunday and all the forthcoming week ahead....I thought we'd seen the last of the snow as we've had a few nice spring-like days. Groan.
Yesterday I went to work without my coat, by the time I got out of work it was getting a little cooler. Then by the late evening it was sleeting. What a disappointment.
My oldest son was born in August in the UP. We had snow flurries as we drove home from the hospital. I think the only month I never saw snow in Michigan was July.
Even here in Virginia we had love spring weather for the last three days but snow/sleet mix are forecast for tomorrow.
Patiently waiting for spring!
We've been having wonderful weather here... but I know we're not done with winter! It could be snowing by next week for sure!
Spring is on the way, no matter what the thermometer says!
Yesterday I saw two robins!! What a thrill. Maybe Spring really IS coming :)
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