Friday, November 17, 2006

Some good news.....

Today my father was eating ice chips!! Because of the tracheotomy it is possible for him to eat and drink by mouth now, as long as he can swallow well enough. He has not yet had the swallow testing but he's definitely swallowing the water from the ice chips. He has wanted ice chips so badly these last two weeks that this is really a very big victory for him. If he passes their swallow test he may even be able to eat.

And.... they're planning to move him to a step-down intensive care unit! I guess he is pretty stable. The respiratory therapist was even talking about getting him up to sit in a chair for a little bit tomorrow.

Tonight he was very alert and trying to communicate. He "told" the nurse that he graduated from the University of Michigan 57 years ago. Tomorrow my brother and I and some of our kids will go to the hospital to watch Michigan beat Ohio State with him. (we hope-- smile)

So, all in all. it was the best day I've had with my dad since he was admitted 20 days ago. Still no diagnosis and no results yet from the muscle biopsy, but at least there were some steps in the right direction.

Thank you for all your prayers!!! God is good!!


Michelle said...

Glad to hear he's improving.

Gosh, I hope OSU doesn't trounce Michigan TOO badly - for his sake!


Denise said...

So happy to hear the good news! I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Enjoy the football game!

Rosemary said...

We did enjoy the game, in spite of the outcome. What a roller coaster. Yesterday seemed so good. This morning started out terrible but ended up being a peaceful, enjoyable family time.