Sunday, June 03, 2007

Title Blending Meme

Deb from Ukok's Place has tagged me for this meme.

Here are the rules:
Blend two book titles together by using the last word of one title and the first word of the second title. If you want, you can blend the authors’ names too. Like this:

The Divine Comedy 0f Errors by Dante Shakespeare
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince of Tides by J.K Conroy
The Canterbury Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Geoffrey Blume
The Screwtape Letters to a Young Poet by C.S. Rilke and of course,
The Last Don Quixote by Mario de Cervantes.

Here are my attempts:

In Conversation with Dummies by Brad Fernandez

A Christmas Toad by Arnold Dickens

The Legend of Sleepy Leagues under the Sea by Washington Verne

A Wrinkle in the Blue Dolphins by Madeleine O'Dell

Cover Letters for a Soul by Joyce Lain of Lisieux

I tag the following (should they want to do it) and anyone else who is inclined:




Mary Poppins Not



Do as many or as few titles as you like and tag six people. :-)


Santi Marie said...

That's fun! Funny titles. :-)


Anonymous said...

Well done, Rosemary, I especially like 'A wrinkle in the blue dolphins'!

Terrific :-)