Wednesday, June 06, 2007

4New x 2 Meme!

Mrs. V and Deb have both tagged me for the

4 New x 2 Meme!

Here is the jist: You have to share four things that were new to you in the past four years. Four things you learned or experienced or explored for the first time in the past four years. New house, new school, new hobby, new spouse, new baby, whatever. Then you have to say four things you want to try new in the next four years.

In the last four years:

1. I started my youngest two children in school after about 14 years of home schooling.

2. I experienced the death of both of my parents. (my mother 3 years ago and my father six months ago)

3. My oldest child graduated from college.

4. I started a blog!!!

In the next four years:

1. I would like to get my house cleaned and organized.

2. I would like to write a book.

3. I want to get in better shape and lose some weight. (I have experienced this before but I would like to experience it again:-)

4. I would like to experience a richer prayer life and a closer relationship to God.

I tag: anyone who would like to do this one :-)


Anonymous said...

Better shape? i'm with you on that one!
House cleaned! Yup!

write a book..yes!

Better prayer life..that too!

God bless

Anonymous said...

Hi Rose!

Check out the "Catholic Mom Moments" Blog where she recently posts about a Catholic Writers Conference in Chicago.

What a great day together yesterday, capped off by girl time at Starbucks. Lucky me!


Anonymous said...

Rose! Guess what! I actually added TWO blog entries today, one being the Four Things meme from you, the other I called "Blogging Ennui," for obvious reasons.

By the way, I've tried putting the URL to my blog in the comments box form, but it won't accept it. It must be some sort of security thing preventing direct links to non-blogger Web sites. Here's the URL (which you'll have to cut and paste -- sorry!):

I'm so excited! I've told you how much I avoid blogging...maybe this is a new beginning! (Famous last words...)


EC Gefroh said...

Oh I'd like to accomplish your number 1 also (organizing home).

Rosemary said...

Mrs. Jackie, we must be kindred spirits :-)
Anon, It was fun wasn't it. A good day. I did go to her site. Thanks for the reminder. It's good.
Ruthann, I hope you do keep writing!
Esther, it's my ongoing goal....

Anonymous said...

I'd like to accomnplish all of your 'to do's' as well :-)

Great list!