Sunday, April 15, 2007

Saint Anthony does it again!

My three daughters went to the movies the other night. The youngest two were all exciting that their beloved big sister (21year old) was taking them out. They even went out to dinner first-- A Girls Night Out, as they said.

When they came home I was surpised to turn around (as I was blogging) to see three sheepish looking faces. "What's wrong? " I asked. They had lost both my 12yo's purse and my 10yo's jacket and they were upset. Apparently they got up to leave without thinking and when they returned to their seats the items were gone. They had not been turned in to the office. The purse had a little bit of money and several gift cards from birthdays. The jacket was a favorite. They both were near tears.

We talked about how sometimes things like this happen. Yes, maybe someone stole them. Sometimes things happen that aren't fair. This is not heaven. This is life on Earth. We can offer it up, etc. Still, I did talk to my good friend Saint Anthony and asked if there was any way he could help them to be found. It's so hard to see our children hurting.

Well.... last night I got a phone call from one of my 12 year old's friends asking if she had lost a jacket and a purse. Apparently my daughter had this girl's phone number in her purse and someone had called to return it!!! I called the woman's number. She had been sitting next to them in the theatre. She stayed until after all the credits were finished and saw the jacket and purse left behind. She didn't turn it in because she had once done that and the contents of the purse were missing when the owner finally received it. So she took it home to try to find the owner. She said, "I'm a Christian. Everything is still in it. I wanted to make sure nothing was taken." My husband drove to her apartment and picked the things up.

We wanted to give her a reward but she met him in front and quickly turned over the items and left. So may God bless Betty the Christian who took the time and effort to return to my daughters their little treasures. She obviously respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Oh Lord, please bless Betty and everyone she loves. My her generosity and honesty be returned many times over.

AND, I thank you Saint Anthony. You who so very many times, in the most inexplicable ways, have returned to me and my family so many lost items. You are amazing and I thank you for all the times you have helped me!!!!


Suzanne said...

Absolutely amazing!!! I believe!
St. Anthony is so fun and God is so good to listen to him and grant him the little and big miracles that he helps to perform! Praise God!

Overwhelmed! said...

What a wonderful story and a great testament to the power of prayers to Saint Anthony. It's so nice to hear of good people like Betty!

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

What a blessing that such a person was near your children in the theatre and found their things. It's great to hear stories like this.

(And now I am off to put a little card in Middle Sister's new purse with her address & phone number on it--before SHE leaves it somewhere!)

Anonymous said...

St. Anthony - he is a family favorite and has never failed us.

Aldara said...

Awesome testimony.....Something similar happened to my mom 1 year ago. St Anthony is awesome!

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

How wonderful! What a blessing!!!

Rosemary said...

Isn't Saint Anthony just the best? I can't tell you how many things he has helped me find in the most unlikely circumstances. I named one of my sons after him. He's a very good friend.

FloridaWife said...

How wonderful is Saint Anthony!!!!!!