Sunday, April 29, 2007

My parents and my grandma!!

My cousin Dana sent me this old photo she found of my parents and my grandmother. My parents are the two on the left and the woman on the far right is my grandmother, my father's mother. The picture must be thirty years or more old. My mother looks so good. The camera must have caught her by surprise because she always smiled for pictures. I can't remember seeing a serious picture like this. She's been gone for three years and was ravaged by Alzheimer's Disease for 10 or 15 years before that. But she sure looks good here, doesn't she?

My dad just looks a little younger than he did before he died. I still just can't believe they're both gone.


ukok said...

Your parents and grandmother look awesome!

You're mother looks very classy and dignified. A lot of women would like to be able to look so ladylike as your Mum does in the photo above.

So sorry that your mother suffered so desperately with Alzheimers for so many years. All too often people forget that those with Alzheimers once lived a very different life to the one in which they later appear incapacitated and debilitated.

When I think of suffering, I think of JPII and the dignity there was in his own death. When the world was shouting,'he's past it, get another Pope', the Holy Father was unperturbed. His attitude seemed to be 'God gave this to me, I will live this out'.

I hope that I have such fortitude in my own trials.

God bless your deceased family members, Rosemary. May they rest in peace. Amen.

Suzanne said...

Ah, this is a nice photo and I am sure your mom was caught off guard!
I recall that I think I told you about my mom having the same disease and she was a pretty thing too...actually she had a beauty all the way through in some respect. She'd be happy to hear me say that! :) I agree, it is so hard to think of them (all of our parents) as physically gone. Haven't you had some "close moments" though, where strong presence was felt? If you have not, I pray you will.

Heather said...

What a treat to get the picture. Everyone looks great.

Mimi said...

What a great photo! Everyone looks so vibrant and loving.

Kitchen Madonna said...

Rosemary, don't you look like your pretty mama?

EC Gefroh said...

KM: I thought the same thing. You bear a striking resemblance to your dear mom Rosemary.

Rosemary said...

Thank you all for your sweet comments. KM and Esther, everyone has said that all my life-- even when she was really sick :)
Suzanne, I'm sorry your mom had Alzheimer's Disease too. And, yes, I have had some "close moments."
Deb, yes, it is very easy to forget who is in the debilitated body. I kept a picture of my mom at age 27 in her room in the nursing home so everyone could be reminded that she once was quite different and was in fact still that same person.

ukok said...

Rosemary, what a beautiful and thoughtful thing to do -keeping the picture of your Mum in her younger years in her room at the nursing home.

God Bless you!

Renee said...

I had left a comment before, but somehow it never made it. I was also commenting on how much you look like your mom. May all of their memories be eternal!

Rosemary said...

Thank you, Deb and MPN!