Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Grocery Aisle Musings

I needed to get the items for my children's Easter baskets while they were at school. (Or home sick, in the case of my 15 year old, who's doing much better but needed another day home :) As I rushed through Meijers in the rather limited window of time available to me I picked up some other things I knew I would need for the celebration of Easter and the next few days. But I knew I wasn't getting everything.

I started to let those feelings creep in. If I were better organized I wouldn't be making a trip to the grocery store practically every other day. I could have all the meals for the Triduum planned out and get it all at once. I could be making better use of the time that God has given me.

Then it occurred to me that when I stand in judgement before my Lord this is not going to be a big concern for him. "YOU MADE TOO MANY TRIPS TO THE GROCERY STORE. WHY DIDN'T YOU THINK AHEAD??" No. I don't think so. Good organizational skills are helpful and I will still try to improve in this area. But the love in my heart is what's important. The love I have for my God, the love I have for my family, and the love with which I serve.

Would that not being the most organized homemaker WERE the worst of my sins!!!! I'd be in good shape if that were the case. LOL (Maybe it's not even a sin. Although perfectionism probably counts:-)

Interesting how easily we are distracted from the important areas of our life that really do require conversion. Oh Lord, in this Holy Week and always may I see things in the light of your truth. May Your priorities be my priorities.


Suzanne said...

I agree, I think it is that we just do the best we can and try to grow and learn and stay close to Jesus and Mary right now. They will still walk with us however many times we need to go to market! :)

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

Not related to your posting at all, Rosemary -- but had to come post that I just love you!

I posted a comment to the comment you just left on my blog.

You are such a blessing -- do you mind if I use what you wrote (with a tiny tweaking) for a tagline for the blog (about the different types of mothers)?

You'll have to let me know if you feel comfortable giving me your address -- I would love to send you a little something. (Nothing amazing -- just a piece of digital art that I made with the Hail Mary.)

Mimi said...

Very true, Rosemary. Good thoughts.

I also have to stop at the store to get basket treats in the next couple of days, and do grocery shopping on Saturday afternoon to get ready!