Sunday, March 04, 2007

I guess I need more sleep.

I haven't posted for the last two days for two reasons:

One: My kids are always on the computer! Whenever I have a little 15 minute period there's someone on it. We limit game playing to 30 minutes a day but four of them play. So that's two hours. And then there are the times they "forgot" to set the timer. And then there's the schoolwork which, of course, trumps blogging. And then the email and the edline assignments from school.....

Two: I have been so tired in the evening that I have fallen asleep at about 8:00! Not just dozing off asleep but out-like-a-light, just this side of comatose asleep. I guess I'm tired, huh? Maybe I haven't been getting enough sleep lately. Or maybe all my complaining of late is wearing my poor soul down. It needs to check out.

Anyway, thought I'd grab the computer before the kids are down here to check in with my fun, blogging friends :-)


Suzanne said...

Rosemary...gonna have a baby, maybe? :) That's early, but this time of year, I get real lazy and want to cozy up earlier in my jammys and stuff. So, it may just be that too. I don't know what to tell you about blogger because I do get notified. I commented back to you once more concerning all ofthe hulabaloo at my church so you could understand even better how crazy it all is with the post you commented on last time and I can even remember the title of it. Ooops!

Rosemary said...

Couldn't be a baby, Suzanne, I'm too old. But that is how it felt-- that kind of utter exhaustion. I did respond to the hulabaoo comment. Was it on my blog or yours? I thought it was yours? LOL