Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Manipulating Words

Words most definitely frame the debate especially on the abortion issue, as we have been talking about.

I once wrote a letter to the editor of my local paper on the abortion issue and was horrified to read it published with every use of the word "baby" changed to "fetus" and every use of "pro-life" changed to "anti-abortion." I was livid. I called the editorial page editor and gave her a piece of my mind. I pointed out to her that the choice of words is important and the words she used were not my choices!! I accused them of manipulating the debate... etc. Anyway, words are very powerful and the pro-death forces have manipulated them more effectively than we have thus far. Of course, it is difficult to make the best use of words when editors deny you the freedom(!) of choosing your own. I think they lightened up on their "editing" after that. (Probably didn't want another raving maniac calling them. (smile) I'd like to say that I tried to stay calm but that wouldn't be true.)

I love all you pro-lifers out there!!


Colleen said...

I am passionate about language. I'll *try* to keep this brief.

I always get on my soapbox about this. Something that drives me nuts is how the book "1984" was presented when I was in school: Those nasty Reagan folk were going to take over and push their conservative agendas. Our language was going to be watered down to the point where we wouldn't be able to communicate, much as Orwell suggested. Therefore, even if we disagreed with those on Communist witch hunts, we needed to allow them to publish their books and have their say, because that's what the good liberal does.

Flash forward to college, when the intolerance of the liberal profs pushed me into the arms of the political conservatives. They gave me a new appreciation for just who are the underdogs in society (hint: it isn't the liberals!)

And what is the weapon of the left? WORDS. They twist, the parse, they double-speak, they allow such insanity as "depends upon what IS means." We see it in our newspapers, in politics, in children's literature, and in our liturgy. "Dumb it all down" is the motto.

Yes, I do get upset when liberals want to water down liturgy to change the theological meaning of things. But I get upset, too, when the lectionary reads "dromedaries" but the lector says "camels," and not because this changes the religious tone of things, but because it is so symptomatic of this dumbing-down!

Sorry. I'll stop. I don't know how you were able to keep your sanity, after having your letter butchered!

EC Gefroh said...

Good for you Rosemary. The use of the word "fetus" is so ingrained in our thinking that we automatically associate it with the pro-abortion people. Like you I try to correct people when they use "fetus" for "baby" and "anti-abortion" for pro-life. However, doesn't the word "fetus" mean baby? Anyway, that'll teach the editorial people not to mess with a Catholic Mom.

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

This just came up yesterday when my teenager noted that in his World History book (2001 copyright), US and Allied forces in the Persian Gulf War were referred to as "enemies."

Mairin :o) said...

Thank you for taking the time to write your paper. So many people are ignorant of what is happening in the abortion arena. So many don't realize they are paying for abortions.

I appreciate your dedication! Give 'em heck for changing your words!!

Rosemary said...

Catholic wife and mother, I completely agree. Changing the words in the lectionary is not even allowed by the rubrics, I think. The meaning of "is" example is good. I feel strongly about it too. (in case you couldn't tell.)

Esther, fetus is a correct term for an unborn baby, I just think the pro-aborts use it instead of baby to distance the discussion a little from the reality of the baby's humanity. Actually sometimes I intentionally use the word "fetus" instead of "baby" if I feel I'm directly talking to pro-aborts and I don't want them to stop listening too soon. ( I just didn't want the editor making that call for

Barb, referring to the Americans as the enemies??!! So the America-bashing liberal elitists are now writing history textbooks. Good grief. Another battlefront.

:) , Thank you.

Rosemary said...

Catholic wife and mother, I completely agree. Changing the words in the lectionary is not even allowed by the rubrics, I think. The meaning of "is" example is good. I feel strongly about it too. (in case you couldn't tell.)

Esther, fetus is a correct term for an unborn baby, I just think the pro-aborts use it instead of baby to distance the discussion a little from the reality of the baby's humanity. Actually sometimes I intentionally use the word "fetus" instead of "baby" if I feel I'm directly talking to pro-aborts and I don't want them to stop listening too soon. ( I just didn't want the editor making that call for

Barb, referring to the Americans as the enemies??!! So the America-bashing liberal elitists are now writing history textbooks. Good grief. Another battlefront.

:) , Thank you.

Reenie said...

its amazing to me how ingrained language becomes for one side or the other. I had an interesting conversation with a few coworkers recently that left me speechless and heartbroken, realizing how prevalent the world's view of a "fetus" is. One coworker was 5 months pregnant (CS) and the other is married, wants to have children more than anything else, but is having trouble conceiving (AC). I think it was just before Fathers day and I was asking CS if her husband was excited about his first fathers day.

AC blurted out: "what do you mean? you don't actually consider this his first fathers day do you?"
CS and I looked at each other in confusion and both answered, "of course, just because the baby isnt out yet doesnt mean he's not a father."

AC: "you don't actually consider it a baby now do you?"

CS & I in unison: "Yes, its just on the inside, but certainly a baby."

AC, horrified: Let me get this straight, what if someone miscarried or the baby died before it was born, would you still consider her a mother?

CS: "Absolutely!"
Me: "um, so when do you think it becomes a baby?"
AC: When its born of course...
Me: So what is it until then?
AC: its just a fetus. once its born then its a baby and people become parents.
CS: But look at this ultrasound picture, she's got hands and toes and a heartbeat and sucks her thumb, its a baby she's just on the inside growing right now.
AC (clearly disagreeing) sighs adn leaves the room.

CS & I just stare at each other, and my heart breaks a little. This is a woman who wants nothing more than having a child of her own... and yet, she's so ingrained in the culture that she cannot acknowledge that its a baby until it is born... is it because its too painful to do so? this woman is one of the walking wounded in my life, i'm never sure the extent of the woundedness, but she's clearly desperate to prove herself and to measure up... but why? In that moment i wondered if in her wounded past she had an abortion... and is that part of all of this? if she can believe its a fetus until birth, can she believe she didn't kill her own baby. a baby she desperately wants now?

My heart and prayers go out to all those women who are walking wounded. May God use us to show them His love and mercy.

(wow, long comment, sorry :)

Rosemary said...

Hey, Aunt Reenie, that is a sad story. I must say my immediate thought was that this dear woman had had an abortion. Otherwise why would she take such a stance. Complete ignorance of fetal development? Seems unlikely. Or perhaps she counseled someone to have an abortion-- close friend, sister..God bless her. Thanks for your comment. It was really good.