Thursday, September 14, 2006

If Heather can have 2 mommies why not 5 or 6 brothers and sisters??

Michelle at Rosetta Stone has a post describing animosity that some have directed toward a family of 15 children.

I mean, why the hate? Why the leaping to conclusions about what kind of people they are? I don't expect everybody to think this is a great thing (I personally don't desire to have 15 children myself, but maybe I would feel differently after I had another 5 or 6!). But this family is labeled as ultra-conservative, scary, religious freaks, bad bad bad bad bad. Basically, the accusation seems to be that by the very fact that they have "irresponsibly" had so many children, they were guilty of child abuse, neglect, and the ultimate sin of failing to expose their children to real life.

As a mother of six, I have received a number of negative comments about the size of my family. "Better you than me.", "Are they all yours." (Yes, thanks be to God.) My children once told me that they really didn't like it when people made comments like that. Can you blame them? The comments are insulting.

Children are a gift from God. There is no greater blessing on this Earth than to be entrusted with children. Why so much criticism of those of us who have been richly blessed? I guess the answer is that, sadly, many people do not know the truth.

Still, where is the cherished value of "diversity?" Apparently it's OK for Heather to have two mommies but not seven or eight brothers and sisters!


Unknown said...

Your title = brilliant

Michelle said...

Thanks for linking to me, Rosemary. I continued my rant today. I guess this really touches a raw nerve in me.

Rosemary said...

Thanks, Jodi.
I'm glad you've brought up the topic, Michelle, because it's a hot one for me too. I think I'll write about it again today too.

Lori said...

It's frustrating I know!