Thursday, May 16, 2019


My youngest daughter has graduated from college. What a joyful day it was. 

For well over 20 years my husband and I have spent a large chunk of our income on tuition--Catholic grade schools, Catholic high schools, and college. Now we are finished. There is a certain joy in that, but the greater joy is knowing that Liz has accomplished what she wanted to accomplish. And child number six is launched.

Oldest grandson (3 yrs.) We have to sit here for how long??
Liz with proud mom and dad!

Grandchild number 3. Happy to be with Grandpa.

 Liz with the dean of the College of Aviation. He very kindly invited every parent to come forward and get a good camera shot of the graduate receiving her diploma. Everyone appreciated it, I think, although it did make for a long event. :-)

But since it was in one of the hangars there were plenty of places to walk around and things to see. (One of Liz's degrees was in aviation management.)

My brother drove in for our celebration dinner. (Rich in the back, Jim with his wife Elle in the front, next to Mary.)
Another shot of yours truly with the graduate.
Son-in-law Zach with grandchild number 2.

Daughter-in-law Esther with my niece Monique who also came for the dinner. So sweet of her.
 Western Michigan University has another graduate.

More on this very fun family event tomorrow.....

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