Monday, February 04, 2019

God's Crazy Love

I'm reading Doors In The Walls Of The World by Peter Kreeft for a book club I'm in.

There are a number of wonderful passages in this book, but yesterday this one really struck me.
The good news is not just that God loves us but that he is crazy in love with us. Us, who are not only stupid and shallow and silly but morally insane (that is, immorally insane), who choose the fearful over the cheerful, the misery of selfishness over the joy of selflessness, despite our universal experience of the results of that experiment. God is not just proper and correct and philanthropic in His love. He is crazy. He is super-rationally insane as we are sub-rationally insane. We are crazy-bad, but God is crazy-good. He is madly in love with his severely brain-and-heart damaged children, and we cannot know the reason for that because that reason is not to be found in us but only in Him.
What a beautiful and amusing passage.

Yes, he loves us crazily. I can hear the atheists asking "How do you know that?" Well, there is enormous Scriptural evidence. And, yes, Scripture IS historical evidence. It's much more verifiable than many other examples of historical evidence that no one ever questions.

But for those of us who believe, the evidence is in our lives, in the way we see His hand in everything-- sometimes in hindsight, I will grant you. But it is always there. In every sunset, in every sunrise, in every lovely bird that brings a smile to our faces. He is always there. Every child's adorable expression speaks of the creator.

Could each molecule on Earth have coincidentally fallen into place in exactly the ordered position to support life and unspeakable beauty all at the same time? I think not. That is too hard to believe.

The creator is lavish. He is crazy Love itself.

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