Monday, January 29, 2018

The Joy of Grandchildren...

My oldest grandson has turned two. Since he loves choochoos his godmother and I made him this train shaped cake (courtesy of Wilton cake pans), complete with his own photo in the engineer's window.

But the cutest scene of all was Blaise trying to blow out his birthday candle. Sometimes we forget that the first couple years of life are full of entirely new experiences. Babies and toddlers are processing new information and learning new things all the time!

Even at two Blaise knew that he was to blow out his birthday candle. I love his attempts here. He knew that forcefully expelling air had something to do with inhaling and something to do with the configuration of his mouth. You can see him experimenting. Then, to his own surprise, he blew it out.

I love the look of sudden realization as he sees the extinguished candle and then enjoys the applause of the people who love him.

Then he kind of repeats what he did with his mouth as if to say without words-- this is what I did!

Just too cute. What a joy grandchildren are! God is good. All the time!

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