Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Go For That Bike Ride!

Those who read this blog regularly probably know that I have a favorite bike ride. I've lived in the same location for nearly thirty years and it's only been in the last few years that I have realized that Gallup Park, a beautiful setting in Ann Arbor, is a do-able bike ride from my house.

I'm a conservative in many different ways. I remember the day it occurred to me that maybe I could ride to Gallup Park. I just decided to do it. I didn't check the distance. I just went for it, which is quite unlike me. Mind you, I am in my sixties so this was pretty adventurous of me. It was exhilarating. Several hills required that I stop to recover my breath. When I returned home I googled the distance to discover that the round trip is about 8 miles. Well. Pretty proud of myself I was.

Since then, I have ridden this route many times. I rarely stop to catch my breath anymore. Not in a literal sense. But I do still find these vistas breathtaking. It is just so beautiful in every season. God is so good to have taken me here on my bike (which I love, by the way.) Specialized, Ariel.

The other day rain was predicted. But in the morning there was only a 15% chance. There was not a cloud visible in the sky. I actually thought that maybe I should not go since weather can change quickly and when I'm at the park I am not very close to home.

Then I thought. Come on! That's being too conservative. There's not a cloud in the sky. So I set off. And for the entire trip I saw only blue sky. What a blessing. So glad I didn't chicken out or I would have missed the seeing the following views.

God is good. All the time. Yes. He is so good.

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