For a number of decades I have struggled with digestive challenges. I was taking immodium 2 or 3 times a week just to keep things under control and had come to assume that I must just have a very sensitive system, nervous stomach, IBS, or something I would just have to live with.
My daughter, who is a nurse and the wife of a soon-to-be chiropractor, suggested I try giving up gluten because it inflames the bowels. I thought, wheat? Seriously? I eat wheat all the time! But as my symptoms seemed to be very gradually worsening I decided to give it a try.
After about 5 or 6 days my irritable system went normal. It was so obvious. I should not be eating wheat. There have been some ups and downs since then but it is still very clear that gluten and I do not get along. I have always loved pastas and breads. Now, after not intentionally eating gluten for over 6 months, I do not desire those foods. I know what they will do to me and my body has shut down any desire, I guess. Who wants cramps and diarrhea? For sometimes days at a time after even a single small gluten exposure?
I'm going to write more about this. After reading Wheat Belly by William Davis and Grain Brain by David Perlmutter I am completely convinced that wheat (and all gluten) is not good for me, and not only just because of its effects on my digestion. Dr. William Davis is a cardiologist and Dr. David Perlmutter is a neurologist.
I know that what they recommend is contrary to mainstream medicine. But for me, the proof is in how I feel and my overall improved health. More later!
Thanks for sharing this, Rosemary! I am not on a totally gluten-free diet, as I was in the past, but eat many other grains -- including brown rice, oats, kamut,etc. however, after reading this, I think I will return to a gluten-free diet.
I do know that wheat is hard on the digestive system and it also aggravates arthritis symptoms.
I'm so glad cutting out gluten has worked - yay!
Thanks for your comments, Jean and Mimi! Yes, gluten seems to be problematic even for people with less obvious symptoms than those I had.
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