Monday, August 20, 2012

Hal, listen to me...

Memo to my computer....

Do not.  DO NOT do things I have not asked you to do.  Do not refuse to do things I AM asking you to do.  Got it?

If I'm trying to put tabs in a certain place, it is not up to you to decide you have a better idea...

Oh, I know.  You've got it all figured out.  But I'm in charge, OK?

Oh, I just need to figure out what you want?

Listen, HAL!  Knock it off.  If I press the space bar, give me a space.  If I press return, it's not up to you to decide my tabs need rearranging!

I wrestled for hours yesterday with this thing and then some more today.  I was actually tempted to toss it.  I mean literally.  Yeah, then I would have no computer.  That's what stopped me.  But it sure would have given me 15 seconds of satisfaction.  Are you listening, HAL?!

Is there anyone reading who does not know who Hal is?  Should I explain?


Therese said...

Well I am not sure who HAL is. I bet it is a program though.

Rosemary said...

Hi Therese,

HAL was the computer in the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey who had artificial intelligence and rebelled against the crew of the Space Ship. I'm going to write about it today. He was a very creepy computer.

Unknown said...

Ha ha..cute