Tuesday, January 05, 2010

26 years ago...

26 years ago, right around this date, I would have given birth to my first born child had he/she not died in utero. I miscarried this first baby. I was utterly grief stricken.

My consolation, though, was that my actual first-born, Michael, could not have been born had I not lost this first baby. Michael was born only seven months after the due date of this first baby whom we named Daniel.

I also lost another baby between my fourth child and my fifth. Eventually I purchased a mother's ring with the the two birthstones in it to remember the two children I never got to hold on Earth but will surely meet in Heaven. Daniel and Peter. They are remembered.


Therese said...

we lost a baby between number 3 and 4 and just before this pregnancy.

We also conceived a baby only a couple of months after loosing baby number 4 and she has been an absolute joy.

I thank God for our two babies that intercede for us all in heaven.

Mimi said...

May your sweet babe's Memory be Eternal and gentle hugs to you.

It is so touching to read that they are on your mother's ring. Beautiful

Sarah - Kala said...

Oh dear. We never do really get over the loss of our children. Love the idea of a mother's ring. HUGS!!!!

Colleen said...

I've thought of that idea, putting miscarried babies on a mother's ring. (I don't want a ring until my body tells me that I won't be a mother, again!) But I wasn't sure if I'd use the month of the miscarriage, or if there was something else symbolic - another color stone, for instance - that I could use. I still haven't decided, obviously. . .

Rosemary said...

I'm sorry, AT, for those losses to you. It's so hard.

Thank you, Mimi and Sarah. You're sweet.

Cath. Wife, Yes, I decided to use the month of the due date since I didn't really know the date of the actual death, you know. I guess you could use any stone that was special to you.

Suzanne said...

I want a mothers ring or necklace, but I would have to figure some dates out for my last one. I honestly wasn't told a due date ..it was pretty early on..anyway, that is a thought..If my last one would have been a boy, he would have been named Joseph Donald and if the baby had been a girl, she would have been named Danielle Morgan. I love the name Joseph but would have called him Joe as he got older..love that name too..just sounds nice short but very strong. Danielle would be for Danny since he was not a Daniel ...he was a Danny and so we never named one Daniel, so does that makes sense? LOL! Anyway, we all have many little one's praying for us, don't we? :)

Gail said...

Your post was beautiful. I'm sorry for your losses, and I'm also sorry for all the other ladies who've lost little ones.
Like others, I lost my first child while she was pre-born. I sent her name to a shrine near New York City called the Holy Innocents and received a wonderful reply from the priest-director.

Therese said...

Dear Rose,
I really appreciated reading your post. Yesterday was the 19th anniversary of the loss of our little son, Daniel Anthony, whom I delivered stillborn around my 16th week of pregnancy. I subsequently lost four others, Jeffrey, Stephen, Rose and Dominic, each within the first two months of their life. I have ultrasound photos of two of them, which are very precious to me.
I count on their intercession for the six beautiful children I have here on earth -- and for my beautiful grandson!
I pray for your comfort and thank the Lord for the consolations you receive.

God bless you!

Rosemary said...

Suzanne, I love the name Joseph too. It's my Michael's middle name (and my husband's). And of course, I like Daniel too. You could just choose a date or a stone if you wanted. I found (many years ago) that Penney's had a nice selection. God bless.

Gail, that is a lovely idea. Very special. Sorry too for your loss!

Therese, oh my goodness, I am so sorry. Thankfully, the Lord uses our pain and grief, doesn't he. May you too be consoled by the intercession of these innocent little ones.