Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dreary day....

Unlike yesterday......

Today is very dreary.  It's been raining and gray nearly all day.  

About ten minutes before leaving the house to take the kids to school, the power went out.  Our entire neighborhood, a nearby shopping mall, and a number of traffic lights were out.

We took Jim in early and somehow we really did leave on time so by the time I got to the girls' school we had to sit in the car in the pouring rain for ten or more minutes before they got out.

When I got home I glanced out the kitchen window for a view of Mother Robin-- a sight that has been giving me a lot of joy.  The entire nest was gone.  I went to the door and looked for it.  It was upside down on the ground.  I don't know what happened.  I thought about picking it up to see if the eggs were broken and maybe putting it back, but Suzanne's warning about robin's pecking came to mind.  I figured if there were eggs they're probably destroyed or eaten by something.  It was a little thing, but still it made me very sad.

I left for Mass.  When things are not going well, run to Jesus, right?  Just before I got to Mass I passed a bad car accident where the driver was very visible while paramedics were supporting her neck and bringing out a backboard.  Her arm hanging limp beside her.  I said a Hail Mary for her and for the others in the accident.  At this point I was getting a little weepy.

But Mass was so very good.  Receiving Jesus always lifts me up.  The priest spoke of trusting Jesus.  And I am.....  I have not forgotten that yesterday he bought me a cup of coffee.  


Mimi said...

Lord have Mercy. Prayers for the victim of the accident, and for those in your area affected by this storm. Be safe.

Rosemary said...

Thanks, Mimi. Power is back on and the rain seems to have stopped. Yes, let's pray for the accident victim. Indeed, Lord have mercy.

Sarah - Kala said...

Jesus is very restorative! May He grant you peace and a few really good belly-laughs today!!

Suzanne said...

Hail Mary..momma always said to pray this when one hears a siren or anything like that and hopefully when our own families need that at times when sick, etc., there will be numerous Hail Mary's going up if not by people on earth, by those in Heaven. :)
Sorry about the little birdie...still, things may have worked out. After a day or so you can check under the nest..it will probably be fine by then to do so.
I just wanted to caution you, only because I have been told this by a couple of different people.
Keep looking for those little gifts, Rosie, as they are out there and the Eucharist IS the best! Love you...