I'm filing an extension. First I was too busy with school, then I got sick with a cold. Oh well. It's such a good feeling when it's all done, isn't it?
Cath & GOP and and Florida Wife, I find it such a headache. This year ours is complicated enough by inheritance stuff that I honestly don't understand it. I looked at the lengthy return and thought, "OK. I guess so." It was done by a CPA from our church who was recommended and I'm sure it's right. But I REALLY like to know what's it's all about. I'm learning slowly but in the meantime the taxes are DUE! A good opportunity to trust the Lord. I prayed Lord, please make sure we pay all we owe. I'm sure he answered the prayer, especially now that I see what we OWE!
Sorry to hear that your taxes didn't go well. :( I did ours back in February, just because I like to do them pretty much from the first moment I finally get all the paperwork that I need.
I just did mine Thursday night. Apparently I'm getting $188 back.
I'm filing an extension. First I was too busy with school, then I got sick with a cold. Oh well. It's such a good feeling when it's all done, isn't it?
Cath & GOP and and Florida Wife, I find it such a headache. This year ours is complicated enough by inheritance stuff that I honestly don't understand it. I looked at the lengthy return and thought, "OK. I guess so." It was done by a CPA from our church who was recommended and I'm sure it's right. But I REALLY like to know what's it's all about. I'm learning slowly but in the meantime the taxes are DUE! A good opportunity to trust the Lord. I prayed Lord, please make sure we pay all we owe. I'm sure he answered the prayer, especially now that I see what we OWE!
I was afraid to look at mine when I got them from the accountant. I was pleasantly surprised to see a refund. Be blessed!
Sorry to hear that your taxes didn't go well. :( I did ours back in February, just because I like to do them pretty much from the first moment I finally get all the paperwork that I need.
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