Thursday, March 27, 2008


Believe it or not, We have a snow advisory tonight until 4:00 am!!!  We are expected to get between 3 and 6 more inches of snow!!  I'm not kidding!  We have already had more snow this winter than any winter on record in Michigan.  I drove to pick up my daughter at a friend's house, once again scared of running off the road since the edge could really not be distinguished in all the snow.  Everyone is home safe and sound now, thankfully.  SURELY, it will end soon.  Could it snow in April too?  It's happened.  But we will just appreciate Spring all the more!!


Denise said...

When I lived in Michigan (in the Upper Peninsula) many years ago, we had snow flurries as I drove home from the hospital with my newborn first son. It was August. I lived in the UP just over 4 years and I think we saw snow in every month except for July. Snow in April is a real possibility. Alas, even here in Virginia spring seems a bit slow in arriving. We are supposed to be back down in the 30's this weekend.

Mimi said...

We got a bit of snow yesterday as well.

Stay safe, my friend!

Rosemary said...

Catholic Mom, Every month! When I look at the UP I know we in SE Michigan have nothing to complain about...

Thank you, Mimi, you too.