Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Weight Loss Wednesday

This Week:  Down 1/2 pound

Overall:  Down 7 pounds

Well, I'm back to where I was two weeks ago.    But I know how I'm eating and I know I'm heading downward.  I have not been able to blog much in the last week so I decided to answer your kind comments from last week's Weight Loss Wednesday today.

Journey of Truth said...

Well, I think you are making good progress, still. Keep up the good attitude!

I will lose a wee few calories today because at noon, I have a drill-and-fill appointment at the dentist. I cannot eat for hours after such appointments.

Bless you!

Do you think Alexa should do a template for my blog? I'm really ga-ga over her designs!!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Thank you, JOT.  Glad you're dental appt. went well.  And if anyone has not seen JOT's new template by Alexa, head over there.  It is awesome.  I love it.  I love it.  Alexa rocks

Blogger Mimi said...

Eating less food is really the key. Sigh.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Mimi, I'm sighing with you.  Why can't we have our cake and not wear it too?

Blogger Motherhood for Dummies said...

oh I had a set back these last two weeks also. Don't worry about it, it happens :)

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Thanks, M of D.  And I hope you're back on track now too.

Blogger Suzanne said...

You are doing well ... just keep going...one ounce at a time. Little exercise? What do you do exercise wise even if you do not think it much? Peace be with you. :) Suzanne

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Thanks, Suzanne.  Well, I get to Curves these days about once a week thought I'm always trying for two.  About the same for walking the dog.  I really don't like to exercise.  I like curling up in a corner somewhere and reading a book or blogging with my laptop.

Blogger Lyndsie said...

That's what I noticed when I stopped breastfeeding my little ones this last time.
I think you're doing awesome! One-half pound can come and go in a day. You really are doing great! Keep it up! Since I'll be adding more pound for the next while.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Thank you, Lyndsie!  You guys really encourage me.

Blogger Mandy said...

6 pounds that is great! When I was trying to lose baby weight I would stop eating at night and the pounds just started to come off. Now I just try and remember that and not eat past a certain time and it helps me. Of course the older I get I notice I have to do more than just stop eating at night!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Mandy, I like that idea.  Nighttime is when I am most apt to start looking for ice cream or popcorn.  I think that would help a lot.

Blogger Kitchen Madonna said...

Not to worry. Not to worry. Onward and upward.

Have you heard of Suzanne Fowler? She's great! She recommends eating no more that what a regular sized mug holds and eating more times a day if you need it. When I do that, I do well (she says as she has her 4th piece of bacon...)

Thursday, September 04, 2008

KM, I have not heard of her but I like this idea.  If I eat smaller quantities and just eat more often I'll let my body have the time to start to feel full. (Instead of stuffing myself fast and not realizing till 2o minutes later that I way overate.)

But the old me is wondering the following (with tongue in cheek.):

If it's a sandwich can I imagine it stuffed into a regular sized mug-- like stuffed beyond recognition?  How 'bout with cookies?  Crumbled into the mug?

Could I poke a tiny hole into a bag of chips, deflate it and smash the chips in?  And then eat a different bag, of course.

Of course, I'm kidding!!! I know about how much food would sort of fit into a mug.  And I think this is a great idea.  I'm going to try it.


Lyndsie Miles said...

Awesome! Half a pound come, half a pound go!

Suzanne said...

Here ya go again! ;)

Mimi said...

Eat your cake and not wear it too - bwahahahaahahahahah.

You just have to eat a smaller piece. I *always* allow for dessert in my calorie goal.

Kellan said...

You are doing great - way to go!

See you - Kellan

Mandy said...

Rosemary, come on over I have a surprise for you!

Abby said...

Hi I wanted to leave a comment of encouragement for you. I am on the same road as you trying SOOOO hard to lose the extra lbs that creeped up on me. I am Mandy's sister Abby by the way. Good for you on your losses KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.

By the way I will report that I am down 1/2 lb this week. So far 25 lbs since April yippee for me!

Rosemary said...

Thank you, everybody. Mandy, I am honored. Abby, thanks for stopping by. 25 pounds!!! Awesome!!