Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Madonna University Nursing Pinning Ceremony

Today Anne received her nursing pin from Madonna University.  She chose longtime family friend and R.N. Kathy M. to pin her.  It was very moving.  Kathy was thrilled to do the honors.  And the entire nursing class recited the Nurses Pledge, the same one Kathy herself recited some 30 years ago.

Nurses Pledge

I solemnly pledge myself before God and in
the presence of this assembly:
To pass my life in purity and to practice my 
profession faithfully;

I will abstain from whatever is deleterious
and mischievous and will not take or
knowingly administer any harmful drug;

I will do all in my power to maintain and
elevate the standard of my profession and
will hold in confidence all personal matters
committed to my keeping and all family 
affairs coming to my knowledge in the
 practice of my calling;

With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the 
physician in his work and devote myself to
the welfare of those committed to my care.

Pretty cool....


Jean Heimann said...

How wonderful, Rosemary! You must be very happy and pleased with Anne! Congratulations to both of you!

Beautiful photos!

Anonymous said...

Oh Rosemary, I've got goosebumps just reading this glorious post and looking at the photographs of your wonderful family.

Some people just shine, it's like the 'Sonshine' in their faces, this is how your family look to me...that it's all for the glory of God, and that these great achievements and abilities your children have, is thanks to how you have raised them strong and true, with principles and virtue, through God's grace.

On another note, oh how I wish that more of our NHS nurses considered nursing a vocation rather than a chore! I love the pledge! I don't know if our nurses ove here make a pledge..that's beautiful.

God Bless your darling girl, and of course, all of your wonderful family!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful, Rosemary! Blessings and congrats to your daughter...your family. Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Oh Rosemary!
You're my "mom" hero!
Congratulations all around!

Purple Teacup said...

Congratulations! She's a pretty girl. Thanks for stopping by by blog. Wondering what you thought of the "tea diet" book.........

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful! Your daughter is such a lovely young woman. You must be so proud of your wonderful family. The pledge is so moving, and I am sure she will take it very seriously.

a Catholic Mom in Texas

Alexis said...

Yea! Congrats to Anne! She looks great, as always - you have such a stylish daughter :)

Rosemary said...

thank you to you all. You are so sweet.
Deb, your words are so kind. I must tell you that I, for the most part, only write about my pride and joy on this blog. We are not without our challenges too.
Purple Teacup, Thank YOU for stopping by. I really like the tea diet book (The "Ultimate Tea Diet). It has a lot of information abou tea which I found really interesting. I haven't lost any weight, but I am enjoying a lot more tea!

Jennifer said...
