Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I've used a whole tube of lipstick!

OK. I realize this is the most mundane of posts. Are you ready? For the first time in my entire life of 53 years I have used an entire tube of lipstick. I'm at the bottom.

For most of my adult life I rarely wore makeup. Then, in my late forties, I looked in the mirror and realized that for the sake of those who had to look at me I really should do something. And I started to wear a little. Now I wear it every day. Lipstick-- not every day, but a lot of days. I've never liked to look painted and makeup on me, in my mirror, always looked painted. Now I figure it's better to look just a little painted than to look like an old hag. LOL

Am I a grown-up now?


Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

I think SO! I've never used an entire lipstick in my life. Of course, I have only every owned 4 lipsticks and I still have 2 of them.

Anonymous said...

I've always really liked lipstick. In high school it was the only make-up I wore...and now that I wear make-up more regularly-it's still my favorite item. Back then, I felt so "grown-up" putting on lipstick (Aziza lip gloss, to be exact) and now I feel like it makes me feel younger etc. etc. Go figure! The miracle of lipstick~hahahaha!

Rosemary said...

Barb, I've owned a few others too, but usually I wore them so seldom that I'd end up throwing them out. This one I particularly liked-- Mary Kay pink shimmer. Real natural color, just a little shiny.
Mary, that must be why you always look so nice.

Anonymous said...

Rose, I just have to say that when you wear makeup you look even more beautiful. I have often thought that I should ask you how you do it because you get just the right effect of enhancing your beauty without looking painted. So now I'm asking: how do you do it? (maybe you'll have to show me your technique someday:)). Pat

Mimi said...

You are more grownup than me!

Rosemary said...

Mimi, I'm smiling.
Pat, you are too sweet. I do whatever Monica Getz tells me to do. LOL

Anonymous said...

I think you are beautiful either way, dear and I'm not just saying it either! :) Suzanne

Hail3N1 said...

Hello everyone!
This is my first time here, and as I read about women and their make-up, it dawned on me about something I read regarding Dying of the Hair...I know it's not facial make-up, but it's sorta along the same line. When I read it, I thought, there was alot of truth to this. So, here goes;

God saith, "Which of you can make a white hair black, or out of black a white?" And so they refute the Lord! "Behold!" say they, "instead of white or black, we make it yellow,--more winning in grace." And yet such a repent of having lived to old age do attempt to change it even from white to black! O temerity! The age which is the object of our wishes and prayers blushes {for itself!} a theft is effected! Youth, wherein we have sinned, is sighed after! The opportunity of sobriety is spoiled! Far from wisdom's daughter be folly so great! The more old age tries to conceal itself, the more will it be detected. Here is a veritable eternity, in the {perennial} youth of your head! Here we have an "incorruptibility" to "put on," with a view to the new house of the Lord which the Divine Monarchy promises! Well do you speed toward the Lord; well do you hasten to be quite of this iniquitous world, to whom it is unsightly to approach {your own} end!==========
Well, after I read this, I thought, hmm, maybe I'm doing something right for once in my life, by not coloring my hair, as I had done ever since I was 18. And, I really don't miss it, I think God loves me just the way He made me. Merry CHRISTMAS to ALL!