Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"Catholic" politicians

Michael Kinsley in the September 17 issue of Time magazine wrote a commentary called "God as Their Running Mate." It was primarily about Mitt Romney and secular fears about his faith. It does not appear that Kinsley himself is a believer. What I found interesting was this first paragraph where he addresses the issue of so-called Catholic politicians who are pro abortion. He writes:

"Mitt Romney wants the J.F.K. deal with voters: If you don't hold my religion against me, I won't impose my religion on you. But that deal made little sense in 1960 and makes no sense today. Kennedy said, "I believe in a President whose religious views are his own private affair." But the Roman Catholic Church holds that abortion is the deliberate killing of a human being. Catholic liberal politicians since Mario Cuomo have said they personally accept the doctrine of their church but nevertheless believe in a woman's right to choose. This is silly. There is no right to choose murder. Either these politicians are lying to their church, or they are lying to us."

This from the secular press!!! For once they got it right. The inconsistency is glaring and I credit Michael Kinsley with being intellectually honest enough to see and tell it like it is.


EC Gefroh said...

I had to go back and make sure it was Michael Kinsley that wrote that! Wow, interesting.

Michele said...

in canada here, we only have the liberlas, the conservatives, and the ndp, and the green party to vote for in the west as the top 4 parties. none of them will stop abortion so none of them will ever get my vote. none of them will stop gay marriages either.

Rosemary said...

DM, I didn't know that about Canada. I guess we in the U.S. should be happy we have reason to hope since there is still one party that has a pro-life plank in its platform and many politicians who are opposed to gay "marriage."

Mimi said...

I thought it was an interesting article as well.