Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My 26th Wedding Anniversary

Well, today's my 26th anniversary. Yes, it's the day after my oldest son's birthday. Actually he was born just a few minutes before our anniversary.

Well it's been 26 years. I hate to say something that sounds so trite but it does seem like yesterday, in some ways.

My husband is a good guy and I love him a lot. He's an engineer and I'm about as unlike an engineer as you can get. He knows how things work and he can fix things. I don't care how they work just as long as they do work. I find this aspect of his mind very fascinating. If we pass a truck carrying something the purpose of which he can't identify he ponders it for a long time. He speculates, thinks out loud about it, considers the possibilities. I once said to him, "You mean to tell me that most of the time when you see a piece of equipment or unsual looking materials you do know what it's for? He said, "Yes, usually." I thought boy, we really are different. I told him, "I never think about things like that. I hardly ever know what things on trucks are for or how equipment is used and I don't give it a second thought." Course, I could give it any number of thoughts and it wouldn't matter. I still wouldn't know what it is. I don't have that kind of aptitude. I find his knowledge fascinating.

But what I most appreciate about my husband is his openness to bringing life into the world. I know a number of women who very much wanted more children but did not have husbands who would give them that most precious of all gifts. My husband did eight times. Two died before birth and we have six beautiful children. It takes a strong man to trust God in this matter and to turn a deaf ear to the world.

It is a blessed woman to be married to such a man.