Monday, March 15, 2021

Forest Bathing-- It's a Thing!

 Forest Bathing. Does not the very name make you smile a little? You might ask what it is but I think we all get an immediate sense. A hot bath makes us relax. The warm water surrounds us and dissolves muscle soreness and tension. Now imagine what a beautiful walk in the woods can do. Forest bathing is a legitimate therapy in Japan and has been since the 1980s.  The Japanese term is shinrin yoku.

A lot of research has been done on "Forest Bathing," also called forest therapy. Personally, I prefer the term forest bathing. It's much more poetic. It's also the translation of the Japanese term and I have a fondness for all things Japanese.

Forest bathing has been proven to reduce the production of stress hormones, improve feelings of happiness, and free up creativity. It also lowers heart rate and blood pressure, boosts the immune system and can accelerate recovery from illness. Yes, it is said to do all these things. No small benefits, to be sure.

It's all about the phytoncides which are aromatic, antimicrobial compounds present in the woods.

I always thought it was just about being in the woods, enjoying nature, and immersing oneself in the glory of God. It is all that too. 

But there is a measurable biochemical component!

My husband and I have been taking regular walks in the woods since the pandemic. It's been great to get out, especially where there are so few people you can just keep your mask in your pocket for when you see someone coming. 

I noticed pretty quickly that my mood improves from these walks. There was a clear benefit to my mental health. I didn't even know about the physiological benefits.

Are you going stir crazy? Try a walk in the woods. It's calming. It's refreshing. And it has all these other measurable benefits. Your dog will love it too!

His glory fills all the Earth. Blessed be God. He is so good to us.